...memory Loss What Kind Of Short Term Memory Loss Is Associated With Marijuana?

What kind of short term memory loss is associated with marijuana? - ...memory loss

I have heard much of this loss of short-term memory, is certainly a side effect of weeds. But I was just curious is that only if you are smoking, high or just a few days after that, or what? I was curious to see how it actually works, as if I could do anything and study .. Smoke and sleep and then wake up and study more and do a test .. I'll forget much of it or as long as I do not smoke and i am good in class?


Brenda A said...

Most of my friends, the forgotten pot just a few things to smoke while they are very high ... Normally you have to be calmer and easier to bear. I heard some people who are actually better able to concentrate if they smoke.

I never try to be productive, but I can tell you from personal experience that if I smoked a lot of things that I do not remember random bits. The parties did not recall whether there are gaps little, maybe a few minutes.

fluff said...

I think it is a very difficult question of how the physiological and psychological make-up is to answer each person differently, it could affect the impact on the brain are like weeds.

I smoke every day and done for some time, and I personally think that my short term memory is affected Defo, but not much. The most remarkable I've seen is momentarily forgotten the names of people who become, or what even a few hours, but only for a few seconds, then everything comes back to me:) Some of my friends gibbering idiots and others seem to shut completely sealed be, as I said, affects everyone differently.

Hope that helps

Bedazzle That $h!t said...

I found that smoking makes me forget for the moment. As if I am a smoker, and a conversation, I do not know what I was saying mid-sentence. But sometimes I'm very focused. I will try to look too high and the top shows and let them know what works out.lol

Bedazzle That $h!t said...

I found that smoking makes me forget for the moment. As if I am a smoker, and a conversation, I do not know what I was saying mid-sentence. But sometimes I'm very focused. I will try to look too high and the top shows and let them know what works out.lol

Bedazzle That $h!t said...

I found that smoking makes me forget for the moment. As if I am a smoker, and a conversation, I do not know what I was saying mid-sentence. But sometimes I'm very focused. I will try to look too high and the top shows and let them know what works out.lol

superher... said...

a short-term loss is nothing compared to the long-term loss. but speaking from experience of 40 years. Unfortunately, few people can learn from others' mistakes

Patience said...

only to lose her memory under the influence

chebrew2... said...

I forgot!

chebrew2... said...

I forgot!

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