Cop Shop Baltimore How Accurate Is A Hand Held Breatherizer Compared To The High Tech Machine They Heve At The Cop Shop?

How accurate is a hand held breatherizer compared to the high tech machine they heve at the cop shop? - cop shop baltimore

They are not very accurate (not 100%), and also reads: "The alcohol in your mouth when you blow in a drink so minutes to achieve a higher reading (which mean when he says he is only about the limit that is suitable for the device). The same goes for the hand-held RBT used by police, so they go to a store after police blew across the border.

The high-tech police at the store are much more accurate reading would be evidence of a longer one source.

But for me it would be wiser to invest in a small hand-held tester to get an accurate measurement, and if you have about his abilities and the LAC and discover the truth must be arrogant.


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